Car Suspension and How to Care for It

Gaadi Bazaar
05 Sep 2023
3 Min Read
352 Reads
Car Suspension and How to Care for It

Table Of Content

  • The Suspension System
  • Signs to Look Out For
  • Signs Elaborated
    • Your Car is Pulling to One Side (difficulty in steering)
    • Your Car’s Shock Absorbers are Greasy
    • Your Car Leans, Dips, or Lurches During Halts
    • Uneven Tire Treads
    • Driving Feels Rough or Bouncy
  • Conclusion
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The Suspension System

The suspension of your car is multifaceted and made up of many different car elements. They include springs, shock absorbers, struts, ball joints, and more. These parts, along with the wheels and tires, control how the car handles terrains. The suspension system also aids in managing wear and tear on the car especially over uneven road conditions.

Signs to Look Out For

  • A pulling or drifting to one side when you are trying to turn corners
  • Continued bouncing after hitting bumps
  • Dipping when pressing the brake
  • One side of the parked car sitting lower than the other side
  • Difficulty in steering
  • Unusually bumpy rides

Signs Elaborated

Your Car is Pulling to One Side (difficulty in steering)

The alignment of the car wheels may be out of speculation if your car pulls to one side while driving. Your car is pulling to one side while driving could be due to a problem with an overinflated or underinflated tire. However, it is more likely that the suspension system needs to be inspected and re-aligned.

Your Car’s Shock Absorbers are Greasy

Shock absorbers must be dry in your car. Greasy or oily shock absorbers indicate leaking fluids. If left untreated, this could damage your vehicle. You will likely notice a bouncier ride if the shocks are bad.

Your Car Leans, Dips, or Lurches During Halts

If you have felt yourself moving forward or jolting during a normal halt or stop, it is time to check your car’s suspension. Lurching and dipping when you apply the brakes may indicate that the shocks have worn out. Not only is it unpleasant, it can increase the duration it takes for you to come to a halt – which means that it also intensifies the chance of an accident.

Uneven Tire Treads

If you are getting your tires rotated regularly, they must all wear down at the same rate. Also, all parts of the tire that come in contact with the ground should wear down evenly due to friction. If you notice one tire that’s more worn out than the rest, or that the wear on each tire is uneven, it is likely an indication that your vehicle is not being held evenly.

Driving Feels Rough or Bouncy

While driving on certain terrains sure does not feel smooth all the time, modern suspensions and shock absorbers have made it easier to eliminate bouncing around when you drive. Keeping an eye on the suspension system and how it works can help you save your car from further and lasting damage.


Most people do not stop to credit the suspension in their vehicle enough – until it starts showing concerns. The bumps and jolts can be incredibly uncomfortable, and bad suspension can cause substantial damage to your car. Most often the signs may be there but can easily be mistaken for something else, or may have occurred gradually and can seem normal. Recognizing the warning symptoms of the suspension system can mean the difference between needing major and bigger or minor and little repairs made.

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Gaadi Bazaar

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