Car Warranty – Everything You Must Know

Gaadi Bazaar
07 Oct 2023
4 Min Read
499 Reads
Car Warranty – Everything You Must Know

Table Of Content

  • What is a car warranty?
  • When is a warranty valid?
  • Types of car warranty
  • What are the benefits of a car warranty?
  • What is not covered in a warranty?
  • Summary
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What is a car warranty?

The manufacturer gives you a warranty when you buy their car. This is more or less a promise they make to provide bumper-to-bumper coverage for cars that are sold first-hand from the manufacturer’s authorized dealers. This promise covers any defect in a new car’s workmanship, materials, and quality. Car dealers predominantly offer a warranty for up to 5 years or up to a certain mileage under which all defects will be repaired or replaced by an authorized service center. Nominal charges may be applicable to cover parts, consumables, and labour. Mechanical components and electricals are also covered under the warranty.

When is a warranty valid?

The owner of the car must have performed all recommended car services and maintenance specified by the manufacturer at the prescribed intermissions at an authorized service center for the warranty to be valid. If the car owner has not done so or has misused/mishandled the vehicle, it may result in the warranty being void. Most car companies offer extended car warranties for an additional fee when you buy a new car from an authorized dealer.

Types of car warranty

  • Basic Vehicle Warranty: This is a type of warranty that covers the engine, powertrain, automatic gearbox, steering, braking system, electrical fixtures, air-conditioning, console displays, sensors, fuel system, and audio system. You must go through the documents of the warranty to understand the terms and conditions and to learn what is covered and what is not covered in the same. Different companies have different terms in their warranties.You must know that warranties also cover damages caused due to rust. Some warranties entitle you to Roadside Assistance. Warranties cover powertrain and engine repairs which can be a lot more expensive otherwise to fix on your own. The car owner’s manual provides a comprehensive list of all the things covered under the warranty. For additional information and understanding, you can also phone the car manufacturer to clearly understand what is covered under the warranty and what is not.
  • Hybrid Vehicle Warranty: Hybrid vehicles have added components such as a bigger battery pack that costs a lot of money. When buying hybrid vehicles, you must check to see what kind of warranty covers these extra components.
  • Electric Vehicle Warranty: Depending on the electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer, there could be variations in what is covered under the warranty and what is not. Added to the normal warranty coverage, some automakers only cover an EV’s battery pack against complete failure, while others might replace it if it reaches a specified reduced capacity percentage, usually 60-70%. A few companies cover the battery only for a certain mileage and number of years.
  • Extended Car Warranty: This type of warranty is extremely useful for those who drive their car a lot more and for longer distances than usual. The extended warranty gives you the same coverage that the basic warranty provides but for a longer period. You can buy the extended car warranty for an extra cost when you purchase the car or extend it before the basic warranty expires.

What are the benefits of a car warranty?

  • Minimized cost of unexpected car repairs.
  • The warranty covers all the expensive elements of a car.
  • The cost of repairing or replacing parts is covered.
  • Labour surges are covered.
  • Original parts will be used to repair the vehicle as it is done at the manufacturer’s authorized service center.
  • Increased resale value as it establishes that the vehicle was well-maintained and repaired at an authorized service center.
  • Peace of mind for the period of the warranty.

What Is Not Covered Under Warranty?

Damages caused due to wear-and-tear in parts like brake linings, windshield wiper blades, oil discs, brake pedals, and tyres are not covered in a car warranty.


You must only purchase a car warranty from the dealer or the authorized manufacturer. Third-party car warranties can only be used once the manufacturer’s warranty expires. There are certain actions that must not be done to keep your warranty valid. Improper or rough use of the vehicle, missing servicing the car, not adhering to the manufacturer’s terms and conditions, accidents caused due to carelessness of the driving like drinking and driving, modifications made to the car, using substandard car parts, ignoring warning lights blinking on the screen, putting the wrong fuel, and using wrong grade coolants are a few things that can cause your warranty to be void.

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Gaadi Bazaar

Buying a vehicle is a big deal for many, and for all the right reasons. We are here only to make the whole process a whole lot simpler for you! India’s largest and most trusted vehicle marketplace, Gaadi Bazaar provides a comprehensive and wide range of new and pre-owned cars, bikes, trucks, tractors, and construction equipment – all under one roof, making buying and selling vehicles extremely convenient and updated! We are your automotive guide and we can help you pick and choose, for we believe in fulfilling your dreams – and we mean it! Enjoy a seamless and unchallenging experience with Gaadi Bazaar! The blogs on our website are written by professional writers who have extensive experience in blog writing specifically on vehicles and all things related to the automotive industry. The facts and figures mentioned are fact-checked and researched. Thank you for choosing Gaadi Bazaar for your automotive needs.

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