What is the Total Cost of Ownership for Electric Vehicles?

Gaadi Bazaar
16 Dec 2024
5 Min Read
298 Reads
What is the Total Cost of Ownership for Electric Vehicles?

The hidden costs of owning an electric carTable of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Breaking Down the Components of Electric Car Ownership Costs
  • Charging cost and infrastructure
  • Insurance and registration fees
  • How Much Does It Cost to Charge My Electric Vehicle?
  • Electric vs. Gas Vehicle Costs Over Time Comparison
  • Conclusion


This article takes the major parts that comprise the cost of owning an electric car. Let's talk about some important issues, like how to work out electricity costs for charging, how to compare electric and gas vehicles over time, and much more to help you determine if an electric car is right for you. You will be able to understand what it takes to own and run an electric vehicle by the end.

Breaking Down the Components of Electric Car Ownership Costs

To understand the cost of owning an electric car, we must consider a number of expenses that amount to the total cost. So let's focus on the purchase price and how much value the car loses over time to get a clear picture.

The original battery car is quite pricey compared to a similar gas-powered one; however, you should not think about its original value since electric vehicles depreciate pretty fast in the first three years, their value going down to around 15 to 20%. Again, this price will vary with the make and locality of where you reside; factors that will affect where and how you can charge the car and what's otherwise available in the marketplace.

This implies that the cost of depreciation is determined based on how much a car cost to start. For instance, the expensive electric car depreciates far much than the less expensive electric car. The other key determinant for the cost is how long an electric car can last from a single charge. The rule of thumb determines that its mileage would indicate its level of depreciation.

Some car companies are already famous for manufacturing the longest-lasting batteries. As these companies continue producing more cars, they will retain their value for longer when sold. It has been kept better because it is designed to last much longer.

Charging cost and infrastructure

The costs of recharging electric cars are significantly lower than that of any other type of car. However, this benefit will only be experienced if your charging setup is taken into consideration.

It works best and is extremely easy to plug into your home. Charging your electric car is safe and faster if you put in a special car outlet at your house. The dollars you pay for that home charging configuration are part of what your electric car will cost you.

Remember that while most EVs charge to 80 or 90% at home or work, you'll want some public charging stations in your future for those longer trips. Maintenance and repair costs

If you buy an EV, you will not pay a nickel for routine maintenance, including oil changes, coolant flushes, air filter changes, or even spark plug replacements.

But EVs also require maintenance. Many systems on a conventional gas-powered vehicle, from shocks to suspension, to the tyres, are similarly present within electric vehicles. Electric vehicles might just wear out more quickly owing to the overall weight increase and torque of the tyres kicking in promptly.

Insurance and registration fees

Electric car insurance often tends to be costlier than conventional cars. This is simply because the cost of batteries in electric cars is fairly expensive, and it's just one of those parts that'll dictate the price of the coverage.

Also Read,
The hidden costs of owning an electric car

How Much Does It Cost to Charge My Electric Vehicle?

Now that you know the history, let's break this down step by step and determine how much it really costs to charge your electric vehicle.

First, compute the number of miles that you travel per year. This will enable you to determine what you will charge. Your mileage depends on your lifestyle and possibly the kind of commute that you do. It's a good idea to maintain a daily log to estimate more precisely.

Electric vs. Gas Vehicle Costs Over Time Comparison

The operating cost also depends on the total cost over a long time. Here are the two major factors affecting the overall costs for each type of vehicle.

Purchase Price Differences

Electric vehicles tend to be more expensive than their gas-powered counterparts. However, the average selling price of EVs has plummeted within the last year, thereby making these vehicles accessible to more buyers.

Fuel Savings Over Lifespan

The other advantage of electric cars is the lower "fueling" cost. EV owners can save on fuel by up to half its annual cost. This saving results from the greater efficiency of electric vehicles. Today's EVs travel a mile 2.6 to 4.8 times more efficiently than current gas-powered internal combustion engines.

Electric cars have one of the lowest maintenance costs compared to other vehicles. They cost half as much to fix and maintain as gas-powered cars. This happens because EVs have fewer parts in their drivetrain, which means fewer components can wear out and need replacing.


Electric cars are changing the game for the world of cars. People think if you add up all those costs - what you pay to buy it, charge it, get it serviced, and what you save on other things - EVs tend to end up cheaper long-haul. This is because if you want to determine the overall cost of having an EV, you have to be looking at all the costs that comes with owning an EV.

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Gaadi Bazaar

Buying a vehicle is a big deal for many, and for all the right reasons. We are here only to make the whole process a whole lot simpler for you! India’s largest and most trusted vehicle marketplace, Gaadi Bazaar provides a comprehensive and wide range of new and pre-owned cars, bikes, trucks, tractors, and construction equipment – all under one roof, making buying and selling vehicles extremely convenient and updated! We are your automotive guide and we can help you pick and choose, for we believe in fulfilling your dreams – and we mean it! Enjoy a seamless and unchallenging experience with Gaadi Bazaar! The blogs on our website are written by professional writers who have extensive experience in blog writing specifically on vehicles and all things related to the automotive industry. The facts and figures mentioned are fact-checked and researched. Thank you for choosing Gaadi Bazaar for your automotive needs.

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