The Tiguan is smart and well turned-out like all Volkswagens; but doesn’t have the road presence you’d expect from an SUV. The VW SUV is very Germanic on the inside – which is to say it’s simple in look but superbly put together and of high quality. It scores for space and practicality too, and the glasshouse is large; but then again, you don’t get the SUV-typical commanding view of the road.<br/>The Tiguan’s 143hp, 2.0-litre diesel motor might seem underwhelming on paper – but the fact is that its more than up to the job of hauling the SUV and, aided by the dual-clutch gearbox, its performance is actually quite strong. Note: the engine is a bit gruff at low speeds while the gearbox tends to fumble with erratic throttle inputs. The surefooted Tiguan does make for a great long-distance vehicle and its ride quality is impressive, on the whole. Commendably, the Tiguan doesn’t feel out of place on mild off-road trails either.