1.6 L MPI Trendline Non Metallic1.6 L MPI Trendline Metallic1.0 TSI Trendline BS-VI1.5 L TDI Trendline Non Metallic1.5 L TDI Trendline Metallic1.6 L MPI Comfortline Non Metallic1.6 L MPI Comfortline Metallic1.6 Cup Edition Non Metallic1.6 Cup Edition Metallic1.0 TSI Highline BS-VI1.0 TSI Comfortline Plus BS-VI1.6 L MPI Highline1.5 L TDI Comfortline Non Metallic1.5 L TDI Comfortline MetallicRed & White Edition BS-VI1.2 L TSI Highline Automatic1.5 L TDI Highline1.0 TSI Highline Plus BS-VI1.0 TSI Highline AT BS-VI1.2 L TSI Highline Plus AutomaticGT TSI1.5 L TDI Highline Automatic1.0 TSI Highline Plus AT BS-VI1.5 L TDI Highline Plus AutomaticGT TDI
CalculatedEMI ₹25,914Assuming 11% in rate of interest and a tenure of 40 months.
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*Interest rate may vary subject to your credit score
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