The Oil Check List: What You Need to Check in Your Car

Gaadi Bazaar
04 Jul 2023
5 Min Read
461 Reads
The Oil Check List: What You Need to Check in Your Car

Table Of Content

  • Introduction to the world of car oils
    • Engine Oil
    • Power steering
    • Brake oil
    • Coolant fluid
    • Transmission oil
    • Windshield fluid
  • Conclusion

Introduction to the world of car oils

Machinery and oils have a deep connection, and when it comes to car engines and other components, we need to keep a close check on the fluids to keep your mechanical chariot running properly. Fluids also play a significant role in every facet of your car as they directly reflect on the longevity and fuel consumption of your car. For a smooth and leisurely driving experience, we highly recommend having a check on these six essential fluids powering your car for higher performance, efficiency, and reliability. Fuel powers your car; fluids help in its smooth functioning.Six essential oils you need to keep a close eye

Engine Oil

Engine is the heart of your engine, and once powered, the components spin a million times, and fluid is the best lubricant to keep it running smoothly and efficiently. For the best performance and longevity of the engine, you need to keep a check on the levels and quality of the fluid at regular intervals. You can find a dipstick in the front bonnet of your car, which helps to quickly check on the oil levels and quality of the fluid. First, pull the dipstick and wipe clean with a cotton rug or clean towel and smoothly insert the dipstick back, pull it again, and you will find the maximum and minimum levels marked on the stick, top up if the fluid levels are below the maximum limit to keeping your engine components in good condition. A low oil level indication is a warning sign, so check if the fluid is leaking or burning out, which is a matter of concern, and you need to consult the service provider for a quick check.Secondly, the quality of the fluid is also a particularly crucial factor in keeping your engine active; smear the fluid between your fingers, and if you find it smooth and silky, then the condition of the fluid is good to run for a few more kilometres. If you find microparticles or grittiness, then the components are wearing down, and you need to get an immediate check on it. Also, check on the colour of the fluid:

  • Amber or yellow - Good for more miles
  • Blackish or Dark coffee - Need to change immediately
  • Milky white - coolant is getting mixed in the engine

Power steering

We are lucky to be riding modern cars with high-end technology that makes manoeuvring cars easy and smooth, unlike vintage cars with heavy steering wheels. With technological advancement, we have power steering that works on a hydraulic system functioning on pressurized fluid to help steer smoothly at any speed and sharp turns. For smooth functioning, you need to check the fluid level. In the engine bay, you will find an oil reservoir with minimum and maximum levels marked on the tank. If the levels are low, then it is time to top up. Take care to use the fluid grade specified by your service provider for optimal performance. One thing to be noted is that if the top-up is very frequent, then check for leaks to avoid damage to your steering system in the long run.

Brake oil

Slowing your car needs a good braking system, and with a modern braking system being hydraulic, pressurized oil connects the brake pedal and the brake pads to help you in an instant slowing down of your car, and this needs to happen quickly, smoothly, and fast. The importance of braking needs no explanation, and if you find any delay or abnormal functioning of your braking system, the first thing you need to check is the brake fluid. The same goes here. You will find a brake oil reservoir in the engine bay with the levels marked; if you find the level falling below, you need to top up with the fluid grade specific to your car brand.

Coolant fluid

The engine produces a lot of heat as friction and combustion happen rapidly. To keep the engine bay cool, a coolant fluid is used to absorb the heat with the help of the radiator to prevent overheating. You must check for the coolant level for a peaceful and happy ride. The process of checking the coolant level varies for every car, but in general, you will find a coolant tank in your engine bay, and this only requires frequent checks once and when you find any leakage. Before jumping to check on the coolant, always let the engine cool off; warning: it is ridiculously hot and pressurized when the engine is on and hot and may spray and cause injury or burns. It is always safe to check when the engine is switched off and cool.

Transmission oil

Transmission oil helps in the smooth functioning of your gear, clutches and valves, and the function is the same as engine oil; with technology, modern cars come with “lifetime” fluids, and moreover, this needs professional help to replace it. If you find it difficult to shift gears, strange noises or uncontrolled surging, making your driving difficult, then it is the suitable time for your car to need good servicing.

Windshield fluid

Luckily, this is the easiest fluid to change and has nothing to do with your car’s performance, but for a clear windshield and see-through, you need to keep a check on the levels. It is easy to refill, and you can get it in any gas station or make a cheap one by yourself; we do not suggest using tap water; it is better to use distilled water mixed with a small quantity of window cleaner or liquid dish soap.Fuel and fluids power your vehicle, where fuel is used the most, but other fluids cannot be ignored. Have a schedule check on the above-mentioned fluid for the high performance and durability of your car. Look out for unusual noise, vibration, and odour, and do not forget to timely oil change.


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