Beware of Car Recalls When Buying Secondhand Cars: A Comprehensive Guide

Gaadi Bazaar
05 Dec 2023
4 Min Read
5558 Reads
Beware of Car Recalls When Buying Secondhand Cars: A Comprehensive Guide

Table Of Content

  • Researching the used car is critical
  • How to find out if there is a recall on a used car?
  • Check for defect investigations
  • What to do if a used car you want is part of a recall?
  • Steps to navigate a used car recall
    • Get the car’s VIN
    • Get the repair done
    • Ask the seller/owner for invoices
  • The Bottom Line
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Researching the used car is critical

If you are planning to buy a pre-owned car, you will want to understand if there is an open recall on the car in question, and, whether it has been repaired if so.

Pre-owned car recalls are usually issued because of a concern or potential problem related to safety issues. While buying a second-hand car may help you save some money, it could cost you more if a recall is in play. The worst that could happen is that an unrepaired recall could lead to a car fire or accident. That could mean a shoot-up in your car insurance rates.

Car sellers are required to only make repairs on new cars. In many states, dealers are not required to repair pre-owned cars or notify buyers of recalls. They may not even be aware in the first place of a recall. Simply put, you are responsible for researching the car’s history and for any recalls.

How to find out if there is a recall on a used car?

To figure out whether a used car has been part of a recall, you can research the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) database online. This catalogue is searchable using a car’s vehicle identification number, found on the lower-left part of the car’s windshield, or the make, model, and year if you don’t have the VIN.

The NHTSA database gives you information about vehicle safety recalls within the past 15 years, including recalls issued by major manufacturers, motorcycle manufacturers, and even some medium and heavy-duty truck makers.

If the recall issue has been repaired for the specific VIN, that recall will not show up.

Check for defect investigations

If you do not find any recalls, you are off for a good start and perhaps a good buy. However, your potential future car might have an issue that just has not reached the official recall stage yet. Often a recall starts as an investigation. To be aware of those concerns, you can review the NHTSA’s monthly investigation reports, which provide details about active defect investigations.

You may stumble up on the fact that the car you want to buy is under investigation. If it is, beware of the investigation to be aware if a recall is summoned.

What to do if a used car you want is part of a recall?

If the used car you are planning to buy is part of a recall, don’t give up on it yet. Repairs shouldn’t cost the buyer or the seller any money because the manufacturer covers safety recall charges.

Steps to navigate a used car recall

  • Get the car’s VIN
  • Get the car’s VIN from the seller if you do find a recall for the car’s make, model, and year number. Enter the VIN in the recall section of the manufacturer’s portal. With the VIN, you can understand if that specific car is part of the recall. Some manufacturer portals also note if the car has undergone repairs.

  • Get the repair done
  • The seller may handle the repair for the pre-owned car recall for you. Recall laws differ by state, which means dealerships in your region may be legally required to make repairs before selling you the car.

    However, independent sellers and dealers are not required to repair pre-owned cars with an open recall under federal law. The manufacturers are required to get the repairs done on the vehicles under a safety recall for free.

  • Ask the seller/owner for invoices
  • If the car you are purchasing has already been repaired, ask the owner or seller for bills and invoices and examine it thoroughly. Only dealers who carry that car brand are authorized to perform recall repairs. However, autonomous mechanics can do a few car recall repairs at the owner’s expense.

The Bottom Line

Before buying a used car, researching if the car has been part of any safety recalls and whether the necessary repairs were made is critical. The NHTSA is the best platform to understand whether a recall has impacted the car you are planning to purchase. If you stumble upon an open recall on the pre-owned car you are looking at, don’t let it deter your decision to buy it. Just make sure you take it to a dealership or the manufacturer to get the problem fixed.

Also, to protect yourself after purchasing a second-hand car, consider signing up for recall alerts issued by the NHTSA. You will get notifications and alerts via email or you can simply download the NHTSA’s SaferCar app for your phone to receive recall alerts.

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About the Author

Gaadi Bazaar

Buying a vehicle is a big deal for many, and for all the right reasons. We are here only to make the whole process a whole lot simpler for you! India’s largest and most trusted vehicle marketplace, Gaadi Bazaar provides a comprehensive and wide range of new and pre-owned cars, bikes, trucks, tractors, and construction equipment – all under one roof, making buying and selling vehicles extremely convenient and updated! We are your automotive guide and we can help you pick and choose, for we believe in fulfilling your dreams – and we mean it! Enjoy a seamless and unchallenging experience with Gaadi Bazaar! The blogs on our website are written by professional writers who have extensive experience in blog writing specifically on vehicles and all things related to the automotive industry. The facts and figures mentioned are fact-checked and researched. Thank you for choosing Gaadi Bazaar for your automotive needs.

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