Tata Motors has finally launched the EV version of the Tata Punch, and it's doing wonders in the market. The price ranges from Rs 10.99 lakhs to Rs 14.49 lakhs. The Tata Punch EV i...
You have finally found yourself getting an electric car! Everyone loves electric vehicles because they are 'clean', do not make any noise and possess torque from standstill. Howeve...
This article takes the major parts that comprise the cost of owning an electric car. Let's talk about some important issues, like how to work out electricity costs for charging, ho...
Autos are the heartbeat of Indian mobility. They travel through some of the city's narrowest lanes. They are considered the ultimate companion for working professionals who want to...
The main difference between hybrid and electric cars is their power source. Hybrid vehicles are powered by an electric motor and an internal combustion engine, while only an electr...
Electric vehicles (EVs) are multiplying due to a shift in focus towards a sustainable transportation system. As a result, many are switching to solar-powered lights due to their en...
The electric car boom is in full swing as more families consider switching to greener transport. In this fast-changing car market, electric vehicles are catching on because they co...
India has tens of millions of auto drivers. They drive millions of people around narrow roads, potholes, floods, and other harsh conditions. While most of these drivers use fuel-ba...
The rise of electric vehicles is a boon for the auto industry. They are greener, cleaner, and cheaper. Since they run on batteries, they leave no carbon footprint on the planet. As...
The EV is changing the face of the automotive world, and the heart of this change lies in the battery. With so many people changing cars to electric, calculating how long these bat...